5 Tips To Take A Safe Road Trip During The Pandemic

This post has been updated to reflect the present – January 2021.

Road trips are popular during the pandemic.

With increasing cases, the pandemic is far from over though.

Road trips are becoming common for me during the pandemic.

It is up to you whether to take a road trip or not.

If you do take a road trip, we have tips to stay safe.

Note that some states have a 14 day quarantine.

Read the list here.

Tips To Stay Safe While Taking A Road Trip Now

1. Do your research

Some states will require 14 day self-quarantine, especially if you are from high risk states traveling to states like New York.

Make sure you understand this and the rules of the state where you are traveling.

States may have other rules too.

2. Avoid crowds

I think you are putting yourself in harms way if you will be around crowds.

The coronavirus thrives in that environment.

On all my road trips, it was very easy to avoid crowds.

Maybe I am anti-social.

A lot of places are empty, so social distancing is easy.

If I discovered a large crowd, I would just go somewhere else in my destination.

3. Keep the same safe practices you use at home

The same things that you do to stay safe at home, do on a road trip.

Practice social distancing.

Wear your mask.

Avoid contact with people as little as possible.

Heed government and health organization recommendations.

4. Come prepared with the right equipment

Of course, you need masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes.

One post I read suggested buying disposable gloves for places like germ laden gas pumps.

5. Make sure places you are interested in are open

On my trip to Montgomery, Riverfront Park, a popular attraction, was closed.

In Birmingham, the Civil Rights Institute was closed the day I went.

The Aquarium in Atlanta was open though.

If dining in, check that restaurants are open too.

6. If staying at a hotel, be prepared’

I would call the hotel and ask questions beforehand.

Though hotels have extra cleaning processes in place, the CDC recommends wiping contact places like door knobs, elevator buttons, tv remote, toilet handles, and places where you will lay you stuff.


I have been enjoying road trips during the pandemic.

I think with some common sense and practical tips, you can enjoy your road trip and stay safe.

I have done three road trips and two hotel stays.

Soon, I plan to do a road trip every week.

I feel pretty safe.

I avoid crowds, wear my mask, practice social distancing, and bring wipes.

I find most of my trips to be similar to what I do at home in terms of social distancing.

I enjoy my road trips and again think you can too.

We are living through a pandemic.

It is not a normal day.

It requires adjustments in other areas like work, childcare, etc.

Again, I think you can be safe.

I hope these tips are helpful if you take a road trip.

Have you taken a road trip yet?

Did you feel safe?

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6 thoughts on “5 Tips To Take A Safe Road Trip During The Pandemic

  1. Be safe! I agree with you that it doesn’t matter what government and authorities do, but what you do is what makes difference in prevention

    1. Thanks. I decided to do just a day trip on this one. Like you said, we take more action than governments. I will hold off on the hotel stay until positive it is safe.

  2. I agree we should be practicing social distancing and wearing masks. Whether we are at home or traveling. It is important to keep these points in mind. Thank you for this post.

  3. We have a wedding to go to in October that is a 5 hour drive from our home. My husband and I are trying to do as much research as possible to be sure we are as safe as possible. Thanks for this list.

    1. You are welcome. I will have several day trips coming up myself. If you are driving your own vehicle, I think it will be pretty safe. Some states have 14 day quarantines, so research ahead. Be safe using bathrooms too. I am glad this was helpful.

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