5 Things That I Learned On My First Road Trip During The Pandemic

I just had my first road trip since the pandemic started.

I know I am late.

Honestly, it is not because of the pandemic.

It is because I was busy.

I said I would post my experience though.

Maybe it will be helpful.

Again, I am sure a lot of people have already been on their first pandemic road trip.

I have seen people go in two extremes during COVID: cancel everything or act like there is no pandemic going on.

My honest opinion is that we can practice safety while life goes on during the virus.

I think people should follow the safety recommendation like keeping six feet distance, wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, and having good hand hygiene.

A lot of places have a mask mandate, so you will be required to do that.

I think people can live life during the pandemic with precautions in place though too.

There are a few adjustments to make during this time though if you are taking a road trip.

So, if you are ready for a road trip, read my experience, so you can be prepared and enjoy.

I love encouraging people to travel, so enjoy.

5 Things I Learned On My First Road Trip During the Pandemic

1. Major attractions may not be open

My road trip stopped in two major cities: Birmingham, Alabama and Montgomery, Alabama.

I live in the Huntsville, Alabama area.

Montgomery, the farther destination, is about three hours from Huntsville.

This was a day trip, so I moved quickly.

I had to travel for a business reason, so I did not do a lot of research before I left as I usually do.

It was a last minute trip too.

Here is the 6th Street Baptist Church and Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham.

No one is in the area except me.

I had the same experience when I got to the usually popular Riverfront Park in Montgomery.

So, make sure your trip does not revolve around anything closed.

There are ways to still have fun in alternative ways.

I want a road trip to Atlanta next.

The popular Atlanta Aquarium there is open according to Google.

Silly me thought that I could see the Aquarium at any time during countless past trips to Atlanta.

Surely nothing like a pandemic would occur, right?

Check Google for attractions and plan alternatives.

RELATED: 7 Reasons To Be A Tourist In Your Own State

2. It is easy to social distance

Most places I went to had fewer people, so I could have places all to myself.

I had no problem keeping my six feet distance.

Again, I think everyone can enjoy travel and be safe.

Personally, if I arrived somewhere with large crowds, I would leave.

Crowds pose a danger during the pandemic.

Most places that I traveled to involved few crowds, so it was very easy to social distance again.

Some destinations may be different, so do your research.

RELATED: 5 Tips To Take A Safe Road Trip During The Pandemic

3. Things were really similar to at home

Many other bloggers stated that people worried about stopping at gas stations and restaurants.

Basically, the experience was the same at home as on the road for me.

For gas, I used hand sanitizer after touching germ laden pumps like I do at home.

Restaurants were carry out or curb side pickup and fast food restaurants were empty inside as they usually are at home.

I don’t buy a lot of fast food, but I had to run to the bathroom once in Zaxby’s.

This was no different than what I experience at home again.

If you want to dine in, you can play it by ear.

Some restaurants, whether at home or on the road, have no one there and again you can easily stay away from people.

Many even have outside terraces.

I have not eaten inside a restaurant yet, but when I do, if I see a restaurant is crowded, I will just choose another restaurant or go for curb side pick up.

That is just me though.

Currently, I only do drive thru or curb side pick up at home.

I had gotten so used to curb side pick up that I did not think about dining in yet.

I only do drive thru or curb side pickup on the road too.

Since many restaurants are empty, I am sure I can try dining in on the road later too.

4. There will be less interaction with people

Travel is about people.

You will probably interact less with people, so it does change the experience of travel a little.

To me, it is true of everything with the pandemic though.

I still interacted with people like gas station attendants, etc.

You are still dealing with less people though.

5. You will still enjoy your trip

As long as you are being safe, you will still enjoy travel.

Like everything else, we are living through a pandemic.

It is not normal times.

We just adjust to that in all things.

I enjoyed my trip.

Because it was a day trip, and I stopped in two cities, it was a little rushed though.

Make sure to be prepared with masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, etc.

Practice the same thing that you do at home.

Research rules because if you are visiting different states, some states do require quarantine.

Research places that are open.

You will probably have to have alternative plans for some attractions.

I had a good experience renting a car too.

Like everything else, there were few people and the car was clean.

There may be more people renting cars in larger cities though.

With the proper precautions and planning, I think you can have an easy, safe road trip with few crowds in a lot of places.

I did not stay in a hotel, but I hear that goes smoothly for most people too though.


  • Bring plenty of sanitizer, wipes, gloves, etc
  • Avoid crowded places
  • Research different states, some have quarantine rules
  • See what is open
  • Have fun


The pandemic has been with us for a while.

I think you should stay safe, but enjoy your life.

With some planning, you can enjoy a pandemic road trip.

Life is still going on.

Road trips usually offer relaxation, control, and beautiful scenery.

I enjoyed all three.

I love hitting the highway.

If you have not taken a road trip yet, I hope this post is helpful.

On a positive note, most places will be less crowded.

This does mean less interaction with people though.

People are what travel is all about.

I think you can still enjoy your pandemic road trip like I did though.

Life does go on during a pandemic, but be safe.

When will I fly again?

I have no idea.

Lot’s of people are flying now.

Have you taken a road trip yet during the pandemic?

What was your experience?

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