My Travel Goals For This Year

As I said before, it is fun to set travel goals.

I also like reading other people’s travel goals too.

It gives me ideas.

Maybe I see something I did not think of.

I figured maybe my travel goals for the year would give you ideas.

I am imperfect and always behind schedule, so it should be relaxing.

So, here are my travel goals for the year.

I know it is March, and people have given up on resolutions.

I don’t have resolutions for travel.

I have goals for the year.

Most people fail at resolutions, so maybe yearly goals are better.

Read how you can set your travel goals in this post.

Here are my short-term and long-term travel goals for the year.

My Small (Short-term ) Goals

When I say short-term, I mean the goals for the week or month .

I love short-term goals.


They are something I can do right now or within the month.

I have two short-term goals I want to achieve:

1. Fly twice a month

I want to start flying twice a month.

Most people who follow me on social media already know this.

This would be something I want to do every month.

Since it is an ongoing goal, I guess the short-term part is getting to my first month of flying twice a month.

It is not necessarily a hard goal.

So, I guess the small goal is to get to my first two flights in a month.

I did not fly during the pandemic, so I want to make up for a lot of flying time.

For context, the average person only flies 3-4 times a year.

I want to be a frequently flier.

Worst case scenario, I fly twice a month one month, then the next month I fly only once.

Again, the average person only flies 3-4 times a year.

So, twelve to twenty flights a year is still frequent.

I think everyone should fly more.

You can read why in this post.

2. Travel every week

My next small goal is to travel every week.

This one may change each month.

As noted earlier, two out of four weeks would be flying.

One week would be a road trip.

The last week could be something in my state.

It is very hectic to travel every week.

I know this personally.

I love it, but I know it is hectic.

So, I may reduce it to three out of four weeks.

I have a full time job and own two other businesses.

I like traveling frequently, so I will figure it out.

I may even do a couple weeks in a row and then a couple weeks off.

Most people can travel more frequently than they know.

That could be different things for different people.

If you take two vacations a year, you could go for a third.

If you take three vacations a year, but don’t travel the rest of the year, maybe you can add small road trips or weekend domestic flights.

Maybe you even want to be a frequent flier who jets off twice or more a month.

Since these are your travel goals, you can decide what works for you.

As usual, I think people should travel more though.

My Big Goal For The Year: Get To Every Continent I Have Not Been To

My big goal for the year is to visit the remaining three continents except Antartica (South America, Asia, and Australia) that I have never been too.

While most countries are open and, restrictions are being lifted, who knows if there will be a new variant to shut everything down.

I think this is an ok goal by the end of the year.

Then, I have a smaller long-term goal.

I want to visit Mexico and a country in the Caribbean on a small trip (like a weekend or 3 days).

It is a small goal to me, but since it was international, I put it under my big goals.

I have been to Canada, but not Mexico and the Caribbean.

I think I want Jamaica in the Caribbean.

I think I can quickly knock those two off the list.

They don’t look as big as my other international trips because you usually can do these with fewer points and miles.

So, there it is.

Those are my goals for the year.

I Am Imperfect, You Can Be Too

Travel is a leisure activity.

It is not like that report on your desk that has to be completed.

I get to my travel goals, but I am usually behind schedule.

For instance, my goal to fly twice a month was supposed to start in December.

It looks like this month will be my first flight.

Looking to book both Chicago and New York City this month.

Was it bad that I did not get to my goal until this month?



Because I will do it, and in the end, it was only a couple months behind schedule.

A lot of people talk about the same travel goals for years.

Again, travel is a leisure activity.

Life is happening.

People have kids, work, etc.

I find having travel goals gets me somewhere.

You can read the post on how to set travel goals here again.


I thought I would share my travel goals for the year.

I know it is March, and a lot of people have given up on their resolutions by now.

That is why I have travel goals and not resolutions.

Honestly, people fail at resolutions

Whether you call them resolutions or goals, I think they should be set for the year.

Many people believe resolutions are only worked on for a month or so instead of the year.

That is too short of a time period to accomplish anything.

Remember, the mission of this blog is for you to spend as little as possible on travel, whether using cash or points.

Wouldn’t we all be jetting off to our next international destination frequently if money were no object?

If you are not familiar with reward points, check this out.

Here are other ways I spent little on travel.

What are your travel goals for this year?

Please feel free to share them in the comment’s section.

As usual, if this post was helpful, share it on social media below.

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