Photo by Tracy Nicole
Many credit cards like the Chase Marriott Boundless and the World Of Hyatt card, get you basic elite status.
Not everyone stays at 50 hotels a year.
Recently, the American Express Marriott Brilliant card added Platinum status with the card, but for a $650 fee.
Not everyone will want to pay a $650 fee, although I think this is a good deal for a lot of people.
So, without wanting to work harder, a lot of people are left with basic status that comes with your basic $95 hotel credit card.
Does this get you anything?
I think the answer will surprise you.
What is Basic Status, And What Does It Get You At Each Chain?

Here are the elite statuses at the 4 top major chains:
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Titanium
- Ambassador
- Silver
- Gold
- Diamond
- Discoverest
- Explorist
- Globalist
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Diamond
So, when I say basic status, I mean the first level of elite status in each chain.
I am not talking about “member” which comes before getting any elite status.
Member means you just signed up for the loyalty program,
You have no elite status.
This means you can earn points at the chain, and usually get free wifi though.
Basic status is the first level of elite status you earn with stays or credit cards.
As you can see above, basic status at the four major chains would be:
- Marriott Silver
- Hilton Silver
- Hyatt Discoverist
- IHG Silver
Generally, basic status will get you:
- more points
- late check out
- 5th night free at Hilton and Marriott
- free wifi
- larger room upgrade (not suites)
My Experience At Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, & IHG With Basic Status

I have had elite status with Marriott, Hilton, and IHG for almost 8 years.
With Marriott, I was both Silver and Gold (before the merger with SPG when Gold was free breakfast).
I plan to obtain Marriott Platinum status soon.
As a Marriott Silver, I was upgraded to larger rooms usually referred to as enhanced rooms on several occasions.
Enhanced rooms are larger non-suite rooms that people would have to pay either more money or points for when booking.
Technically, Marriott Gold status is where you are supposed to get enhanced rooms.
Last year, on my stay at the Westin Nashville in December, I was upgraded to an enhanced room.
I was not even Silver.
I was just a “member.”
As I said earlier, I plan to earn Marriott Platinum status soon.
On my last stay in Chicago at the Marriott Talbot Hotel, I was upgraded to a suite.
It was not a real suite, but I think it was the biggest room they had.
I called to ask a question the day before my stay.
I think they just had it available, and gave it to me.
Honestly, I don’t think hotels sell larger rooms that you need more points or money for, so they can easily be given out at the last minute.
Both of these upgrades were as a Marriott member again (no status).
I am currently not even Silver right now again.
I mention my upgrades as only member because I think if you ask with basic status, you can be given an upgrade.
I also had several upgrades when I was only Marriott Silver.
I was upgraded to several larger enhaunced rooms.
Again, my take is that hotels do not always sell premium rooms that cost more points and cash.
Therefore, if you are Silver or even member, you have a chance for an upgrade.
This won’t happen when hotels are sold out.
This probably won’t happen at popular hotels either.
As for my experience with Hilton, I have been Hilton Gold the whole time I have been in the point’s hobby, so I have no experience with member or Hilton Silver.
I first got fast tracked to Gold when I had the no fee Amex card after I got into the points and miles hobby.
Then, I upgraded to the Amex Surpass.
Honestly, after almost 8 years, it is time to get the Amex Aspire card, and get Diamond status.
Diamond is only reputed to be slightly better than Hilton Gold, but after almost a decade, I should at least try it out.
I don’t think they are different at Hilton than other hotels with basic status though.
At Hyatt, I have been given a larger room just as a member.
I plan to stay at a lot more Hyatts in the future.
With IHG, I had mid-level Platinum status because of the credit card for a long time.
In the past, this got me upgraded to one bedroom suites.
I don’t know if I would be upgraded to one bedroom suites as much in the present though.
I took time off travel for a couple years before I started this blog.
After I closed the card, they gave me IHG Gold status .
I recently got Platinum status at IHG with the hack I wrote about.
I plan to get the IHG business card by next year, and permanently get my Platinum status back.
Since my stays in the past couple years have only been at Holiday Inn Express at IHG, I did not get any upgrades.
IHG is my third chain after Hilton and Marriott, though I plan to make it my fourth chain after I stay at more Hyatt hotels.
Most of my stays in the past couple years were using award points at IHG.
So Is Basic Status Enough?

Honestly, because hotels will give upgrades with even no status, I think this can be enough.
You will usually get late check out.
I think you can get early check in too, though it is not published.
So, if you don’t want to work any harder, I think basic status may be ok again.
This blog is directed to a point’s audience who gets into credit cards, and would probably have basic status through a credit card.
Most people in the general American population may not have any status at all, so hotels will give you something for it in my experience.
As I mentioned earlier, I even got upgraded as only a member at more than one chain.
Basically, basic status is better than no status at all.
Again, the American population who does not get into points and miles probably has no status at all.
As the pandemic ends, you would probably need at least basic status to have a likely chance of an upgrade.
If You Can, I Think You Should Go For Higher Status Though

First, some credit cards will give you higher status just for having a credit card.
For example, Hilton will give you both Gold and Diamond status with only a credit card (Hilton American Express Surpass and Hilton American Express Aspire card).
With Marriott, you can use my hack to get Platinum status with fewer than 50 stays (explained in the next section).
You can also get credit cards that will give you Marriott Gold status (American Express Marriott Business credit card and American Express Platinum card).
With IHG, you can get mid-level Platinum status with just the credit card. .
If you want Hyatt Globalist, you will just have to work hard.
In most programs, like Hyatt, free nights count toward elite status though.
It is easy to earn free Hyatt nights if you have a Chase Ultimate card.
Hack To Earn Marriott Platinum Status (the Sweet Spot in The Chain)
Marriott just added Platinum status to the American Express Brilliant card.
This will get you Platinum and free breakfast, but not the suite upgrades everyone loves.
You need to earn 50 nights for that.
Here is the hack though to get to your fifty nights.
Marriott Platinum status requires 50 stays.
Marriott allows you to earn a maximum of 30 credits toward elite status with one business card and one personal card.
That means you can get two Marriott credit cards.
If you got the updated American Express Marriott Brilliant card, you would have 25 credits.
You would just need the Marriott Business card which would give you 15 credits.
Again, the thirty credits from credit cards must come from one personal and one business card.
With the two free night certificates on both cards, you would need only 8 stays.
Remember, all your award stays at Marriott count toward this too.
A lot of credit cards will give you basic hotel status.
Since this requires no work, some people may wonder if is it enough.
Not everyone stays at fifty or more hotels a year.
Honestly, if you don’t have the time to work harder, or won’t be staying at chains frequently, I think basic status can be enough.
You will get enhanced room upgrades often enough at most chains, late check out, more points, and a 5th night free (at Hilton and Marriott(.
As usual, points and miles is about upgraded experiences, so if you can earn higher status, do so.
Make sure it is worthwhile for you though.
Some people chase hotel status that they don’t use.
Make sure you get your money’s worth!
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