It Is So Much Fun: Why Everyone Should Be An AvGeek

AvGeek, short for Aviation Geek, is a popular buzzword in the points and miles community.

It is someone who loves all things aviation.

This is not just for frequent fliers who fly 100,000 miles a year though.

Everyone should be an AvGeek.

Most people are annoyed by flying.

It just gets them to their destination.

If you are an AvGeek, you will have more fun flying.

Here are reasons to be an AvGeek as well as things you can do to increase your AvGeekness (if that is a word).

Why everyone should be an AvGeek

1. It is fun

First, flying is still something of an annoyance to most people.

It is something they have to do to get to their destination again.

That sure did not sound fun, right?

The thing is if you are an AvGeek, flying is a whole lot more fun.

Before I got into the points and miles hobby, I was like everyone else.

Flying just got me to my destination.

I had no idea what the difference between a Boeing 777 or 787 was.

I did not even know if I was flying an Airbus or Boeing (am ashamed to say).

What was a wide body airplane?

I had no idea.

It is ok if you are like I used to be.

The thing is after becoming an AvGeek, everything is a lot more fun.

2. You learn a lot

As I learned more, I understood the differences between planes and why different varieties are used

This was an interesting new world.

I even started to learn things about flying in general like how pilots handle different situations

Knowledge is always power, so you continue to challenge your mind.

3. It improves your flying experience

Since you know more, you can have a better flying experience.

You know how to use Seat Guru to find the best seat.

You know whether you are getting on a 777 or Airbus 350.

This knowledge will improve your flying experience and help you have the best and most comfortable experience possible.

Why Everyone has an inner AvGeek

When researching this post, a lot of bloggers mentioned that people grew up fascinated by aviation.

Honestly, I think most people have an inner AvGeek inside of them.

They just need to discover it.

I don’t remember caring about airplanes as a child.

I don’t remember being anything but annoyed during my early adult years flying.

Flying got me to my destination.

Again, I think if you fly at all, you have an inner AvGeek.

Maybe you know it, like me, and are off watching YouTube aviation videos during the pandemic.

Maybe, you are an AvGeek now who has not let their inner AvGeek come out yet though.

If you are the latter, here are things you can do to bring out your inner AvGeek.

This is also fun if you are an AvGeek, but do not do the following or don’t do them often.

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7 Things To Do To Be More Of An AvGeek

1. Fly in first or business class

Since everyone should be an AvGeek, everyone should fly business or first class at least once.

Keep in mind, there is domestic business/first class and international business/first class.

I don’t mean to bore any of my audience who has already flown both.

International business or first class, like Emirates, is the snazzy stuff you see on YouTube.

Domestic first class just means more space unless select routes have wide body planes.

I know we are in a pandemic, but everyone should try first or business class.

Honestly, with points, it is easy to book these flights for free, so it may be your new normal.

Just keep in mind that though domestic business/first class will be less, again it usually gives you nothing more than a bigger seat.

If you have never tried it, you should though.

International business or first class is where you get the chef meals and full personal service.

Some people I talk to think only influencers fly international first or business class.

This is very easy for the average Joe to do with points and miles today (after pandemic) though.

2. Watch YouTube flight reviews or read more airline reviews

YouTube channels like QFS Aviation and Simply Aviation give video flight reviews.

Honestly, during the pandemic, this is as close as I can get to stepping foot on a plane.

A lot of people are flying domestically now though.

I will have to fly soon myself.

In addition to watching YouTube aviation reviews, I also enjoy reading flight reviews on blogs like The Points Guy and One Mile At A Time.

3. Know your planes

What is a 777?

Airbus 350?

Which is an Airbus or a Boeing plane?

Take time to learn your planes.

The main two manufactures again are Airbus and Boeing, but you can even learn about the CRJ series that most people hate.

You can start to notice this during reviews or when you fly next.

4. Walk around airports and plane spot

Since we are in a pandemic, visit your local airport and do some plane spotting.

Plane spotting has even become a big hobby.

Read about it here.

5. Take an unconventional flight or connection to see a new airport or to try a new plane

Take the long way to fly more.

Again, we are in a pandemic, but later you could stop in another country or U.S. city.

Instead of flying direct, take a connection.

You can learn about more than one aircraft or airport.

6. Fly more frequently

Fly more.

We are in a pandemic, but later fly more.

The average person only flies 3-4 times a year, so if you fly every other month, you would be considered a frequent flier without flying 100,000 miles a year.

Sometimes, you can even do this on multiple city trips.

On my first trip to Texas years ago, I wanted to see all three major Texas cities: Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

I flew into Dallas then flew from Dallas to Austin.

The flight was $50.

I wanted to explore Texas by car too, so then I rented a car from Austin to Houston and flew home from Houston.

Airlines must have had to compete with buses and trains, so these short hops are only around $50 one way again.

I notice it is the same price internationally on short hops like from London to Paris.

I did this often in the past and got to know more U.S. cities.

Again, it works internationally on short hops too.

Of course, in Europe, the train is a better deal in terms of the experience.

7. Track your flight and learn to identify plane models

Track your flight and the history of your plane.

You can find out the age of your bird and other details.

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5 AvGeek Bucket List Items To Do Before You Die

If you are already a hard core AvGeek, or hope to accomplish bucket list items here are 5 things every AvGeek should do before they die.

1. Fly an inaugural flight

Fly the first flight of it’s kind.

2. Fly an aircraft’s final flight

This year, Delta retired it’s MD series.

Though we are in a pandemic, some people still attended these last flights.

Under normal circumstances, a final flight is great to attend.

I have not done this yet, but I am sure I will one day.

3.Attend a major air show

Check out the major air shows.

4. Fly an aircraft simulator

They have these in certain places.

5. Do behind the scenes airport tours or go in FA control tower

Some major airports like Atlanta have behind the scenes tours.


Being an AvGeek is something everyone should be.

It is not just for frequent fliers.

People should enjoy and love flying more.

It is a lot of fun and makes the flying experience more enjoyable and fascinating.

We are living during a pandemic, so everyone still misses flying.

If you are like me, you are watching YouTube flight reports to experience flying during the pandemic.

A lot of people are even flying now domestically again.

In any case, everyone should be an AvGeek and learn more about aviation.

Flying has become quite cool.

Do you consider yourself an AvGeek?

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4 thoughts on “It Is So Much Fun: Why Everyone Should Be An AvGeek

  1. I would love to fly an aircraft simulator. I like the fact airplanes get me where I want to go, not quite yet to the AVGeek level, though you did lay out some compelling reasons to be one 🙂

    1. Thanks. I don’t thnk I am a hard core AvGeek either, but I love planes. I am glad you enjoyed the post.

    1. Thank you. “AvGeek” is the popular buzzword that many people use. Geek sounds odd to me too. I am glad you liked the post.

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