In regards to hotels, most times I prefer to stay in the center of each city in full service hotels. When prices are outrageous though, I look to save money. There are many ways you can do this. You can stay farther from the city center. For instance, instead of Continue Reading
How I Got Upgraded To Comfort+ On My Delta Basic Economy Flight
In March, I went to Las Vegas. As many of you know, I want to fly every month. It has not been consistent yet, but by the fall it should be. Then, I will probably increase it to multiple times a month over time as I use more award miles. Continue Reading
Make Sure You Know This Hotel Trick To Get the Best Hotel Rate
There are many ways to save on hotels. You can be flexible with dates, You can use points and miles instead of cash. You can use hotel flexible calendars to find the cheapest dates. One method that I like to use is to book the flexible rate, and then wait Continue Reading
Should You Fly Basic Economy & Save Money?
I am back to flying every month. It was my goal as a blogger. Later, I hope to fly more frequently than that too. This year’s goal for 2024 will be to put more stamps in my passport, and visit more countries. I am a regular girl with a regular Continue Reading
How To Use Flexible Calendars At Hilton/Marriott To Find Cheapest Dates
Photo by Tracy Nicole Hotel calendars are the first thing I look at when I want to book a hotel. This saves me hundreds a year. They allow you to see different prices in cash or points for different days for months at a time. This allows you to easily Continue Reading
4 Reasons To Keep Your Road Trips Overnight Only
As many people who follow me on social media know, I am into flying every month. It has been a slow start, but I am enjoying flying more. I did miss a couple months though. Life was happening. First, last year I found out that my mom needed a second Continue Reading
What Are Hotel Destination Fees, And How Can You Avoid Them?
Photo By Tracy Nicole Most people have heard of resort fees. Hotels in major cities like New York and Chicago take this another step. They charge what is called a destination fee, usually between $20 to $50 a day. These fees only apply in the center of the city or Continue Reading
Simple Ways To Travel More Without Spending A Lot Of Money
Many people say they want to travel more. Yet, travel can seem expensive at times. I say seem because a lot of times travel does not have to be as expensive as people believe. I love to travel, and I don’t spend a lot of money. I stay at mainly Continue Reading
Does Basic Hotel Elite Status Get You Anything?
Photo by Tracy Nicole Many credit cards like the Chase Marriott Boundless and the World Of Hyatt card, get you basic elite status. Not everyone stays at 50 hotels a year. Recently, the American Express Marriott Brilliant card added Platinum status with the card, but for a $650 fee. Not Continue Reading
AvGeek Fun From The Couch: My Favorite YouTube Aviation Channels
Update: September 25, 2022 During the pandemic, I got a new hobby: watching aviation channels on YouTube. This is the next best thing to flying and a lot of fun. If you love flying, this will be fun. Some of these YouTubers seem to fly every day! This is a Continue Reading